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Dental Implants

Dental implants are a kind of restoration that enables a patient to replace their missing teeth. They are also used to replace the removable dentures that others have. Usually, implants are used to fill the places of whole teeth. In some cases however, a person may choose to attach implants on only a damaged area of the tooth. Implants consist of artificial roots and teeth that are usually titanium in material. A dentist or a periodontist bonds the materials onto the upper or lower jawbone. These materials are very durable and they also look absolutely natural, giving you a 100% confidence boost when flashing your smile!

What are the benefits of getting teeth implants?

  • They look and act like natural teeth

  • They can last a lifetime with the right care

  • You don’t need any adhesives

  • They improve appearance, comfort, and speech

  • It’s easier to eat
